The end of the MarathonGameJam is near. I've updated the build, I'm a litttle frustrated with how things worked out in the end but I did make some progress so i...
Hello there, I will be submitting this project to the r/Solodevelopment Marathon jam as a way to motivate myself to finish something for once. Since the Jam has...
Reworked the way in which you control what dialogue option you choose. Previously you could use X and V to select one option or the other, this meant the at any...
Using the NotYet dialogue plugin I've put together branching dialogue system, taking advantage is this plugin I hope to allow you players to have a true impact...
Now rooms have individual air pressure. make sure that the room you open is not a vaccum otherwise you might find yourself in a tricky situation. I hope this ca...
The terminal now can hold files in a directory structure fashion, which is navegatable using unix style commands (cd, ls, cat, help), explore the files hidden i...
I've managed to implement terminals and allowed them to interact with the game world. As of right now there are only two commands working: [Door nam...